The Portuguese visited Timor in the early 16th cent. and
were the first Europeans to establish themselves in Timor, at Lifau in
what is now Ambeno in 1556. Their claim to the island was disputed by
the Dutch, who arrived in 1613. By a treaty of 1859, modified in 1893
and finally made effective in 1914, the border between the Dutch and
Portuguese territories was settled. The colonial powers exploited the
island's sandalwood, which was largely exhausted by the early 1900s. In
World War II, Timor was occupied (early 1942) by the Japanese. In 1950,
Dutch Timor and the rest of the surrounding Dutch East Indies became the
Republic of Indonesia.
1975, when Portugal's former colonies were being granted independence,
fighting broke out between rival independence parties in Portuguese
Timor. The leftist Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor
(FRETILIN) triumphed, and on November 28th FRETILIN established the
Democratic Republic of East Timor, with Francisco Xavier do Amaral as
its president. Nine days later, Indonesia invaded and claimed
sovereignty, administering the area as Timor Timur province, but the
annexation was not accepted internationally. The population was
decimated by food shortages, disease, and military violence, with
perhaps as many as 120,000 people dying by 1979. Sporadic warfare with
FRETILIN guerrillas continued, and in Aug., 1998, Indonesia and Portugal
reached an agreement that would give East Timor the right to local
self-government. Indonesia was reluctant to withdraw its forces,
however, and talks broke down.
In Mar., 1999,
Portugal and Indonesia agreed to let the East Timorese choose between
autonomy within Indonesia or independence. Indonesia expected to win
ratification of its rule, but in August, in a UN-supervised referendum,
voters chose independence. The territory descended into chaos as
pro-Indonesian militias and the army engaged in a campaign of terror and
brutality, killing supporters of independence, looting and burning
buildings, and causing thousands to flee their homes. In September,
after intense international pressure, Indonesia asked the United Nations
to send a peacekeeping force to East Timor. In October, the United
Nations agreed to assume the administration and defense of East Timor,
which became a non-self-governing territory. Although Indonesia tried
some officials and security personnel in connection with the violence,
all ultimately were acquitted or had their convictions overturned.
constituent assembly, charged with writing a constitution for East
Timor, was elected in Sept., 2001. In Apr., 2002, José Alexandre
“Xanana” Gusmão (later known as Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão), a former
guerrilla leader, defeated Xavier do Amaral for the presidency, and the
following month East Timor became an independent nation. FRETILIN won a
majority of seats in the parliament, and Mari Alkatiri became prime
minister. An agreement resolving most border issues was signed with
Indonesia in 2005; peacekeeping forces were withdrawn the same year.
and gas fields in the waters between East Timor and Australia made the
settlement of their ocean boundary contentious, but in an agreement
signed in 2006 East Timor postponed settlement of the issue for 50 years
in exchange for an increased percentage of oil and gas revenues. A
report by an independent truth and reconciliation commission concerning
the effects of Indonesia's occupation of East Timor, including an
estimate of up to 183,000 deaths as a result of Indonesia's policies,
was submitted to the United Nations in Jan., 2006, drawing protests from
Indonesia and chilling relations with Jakarta.
Feb., 2006, soldiers from W East Timor struck in protest over pay and
perceived bias against them as westerners (generally regarded as more
pro-Indonesian); in March some 600 soldiers were dismissed as a result.
Protests by the former soldiers spiraled into rioting in April and gang
violence in May, as former soldiers fought supporters of Prime Minister
Alkatiri, whose resignation the soldiers demanded. Foreign peacekeepers
returned to East Timor in late May, but stability was slow to be
restored to the country, and some 150,000 were displaced as a result of
the violence. In late June, Alkatiri, under pressure, finally agreed to
resign, but the situation remained somewhat unsettled, and there was
concern over possible long-term tensions between W and E Timorese.
José Ramos-Horta,
the former foreign minister and co-winner of the 1996 Nobel Peace
Prize, was appointed prime minister in July. In 2007 presidential
election, Ramos-Horta defeated Francisco Guterres, the FRETILIN
candidate, after a runoff in May. June legislative elections left no
party in control; In August, Gusmão became prime minister of a coalition
government, and FRETILIN, which had won the largest number of votes,
went into opposition. Unrest in FRETILIN-dominated areas followed the
government's establishment.
In Feb., 2008, in either a
botched double assassination or kidnapping attempt, rebels seriously
wounded the president; the prime minister escaped unharmed. The rebel
leader surrendered to government forces in April. In July, 2008, a joint
Indonesian–East Timorese truth commission blamed Indonesian forces and,
to a minor degree, East Timorese independence forces for the violence
in 1999.
Source: www.factmonster.com
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