Early History through the Soviet Era

the Polish partitions of 1772, 1793, and 1795, all Belarus passed to
the Russian Empire. It suffered greatly during the wars (16th–18th
cent.) between Poland and Russia and in the Napoleonic invasion of 1812
(during which it was laid waste by retreating Russian forces). Great
poverty under Russian rule, notably among the Jews, led to mass
emigration to the United States in the 19th cent. A battlefield in World
War I and in the Soviet-Polish War of 1919–20, Belarus experienced
great devastation.
In Mar., 1918, the Belarusian
National Rada in Minsk proclaimed the region an independent republic;
but in Jan., 1919, the Soviet government proclaimed a Belorussian Soviet
Socialist Republic at Smolensk, and soon the Red Army occupied all of
Belarus. In 1921, the Treaty of Riga, which ended the Soviet-Polish War,
awarded W Belarus to Poland. The eastern and larger part formed the
Belorussian SSR when the USSR was formally established in 1922. In
Sept., 1939, the Soviet army overran W Belarus and incorporated it into
the Belorussian SSR. Occupied by the Germans during World War II,
Belorussia was one of the most devastated areas of the USSR. In 1945 its
western border was adjusted slightly in favor of Poland, but the 1939
frontier remained essentially unchanged. The republic has had a separate
seat in the United Nations since 1945.
The massive nuclear accident (Apr. 26, 1986) at the Chernobyl
power plant, across the border in Ukraine, had a devastating effect on
Belarus; as a result of the radiation release, agriculture in a large
part of the country was destroyed, and many villages were abandoned.
Resettlement and medical costs were huge and long-term.
Post-Soviet Belarus
Republic of Belarus declared its independence from the USSR on Aug. 25,
1991. The reform-minded Stanislav Shushkevich became head of state and,
along with Russia and Ukraine, Belarus was one of the original
signatories to the treaty establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States.
In early 1994 former Communists in the parliament voted to replace
Shushkevich with Mechislav Grib, a former national police official;
Aleksandr Lukashenko
was elected to the post in July, 1994. Parliamentary elections were
held during 1995, and most seats were filled by former Communists.
1996, Russia and Belarus signed an agreement to form a “union state”
that, without completely merging the two governments, would strengthen
economic, cultural, and political ties. Additional treaties signed in
1997, 1998, and 1999 included the development of common customs and
taxation, a single currency, a joint defense policy, and other items
designed to integrate the two nations, but progress toward real
integration has been slow, as Russia as insisted on gradual
implementation of the union and Belarus has proved reluctant to cede any
real power to its much larger neighbor. In Sept., 2003, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine signed an agreement to create a common
economic space.
A referendum held in 1996 increased
Lukashenko's power at the expense of parliament and extended his
presidential term by two years (to 2001). A new parliament subsequently
was formed from handpicked members of the old. Lukashenko's government
has been criticized for human-rights abuses, including being responsible
for the disappearance of its political opponents. Parliamentary
elections held in 2000, which were boycotted by the small democratic
opposition, preserved Lukashenko's hold on power. Lukashenko himself was
reelected in 2001, in a contest that most observers regarded as neither
free nor fair.
A referendum in 2004 removed the
two-term limit on the presidency, but independent observers and polls
indicated that the results were fraudulent. Elections for parliament, in
which no opposition candidate won a seat, were held at the same time
and were similarly flawed. Following the so-called Orange Revolution
(Oct.–Dec., 2004) in Ukraine, where demonstrations ultimately forced the
governing party from power, the Belarusian government increased its
efforts to silence its opponents. In 2005 relations became particularly
tense with Poland, which Lukashenko accused of plotting with Belarus's
Polish minority to overthrow him.
Lukashenko was
reelected by a lopsided margin in Mar., 2006. The tightly controlled
campaign and subsequent voting were criticized by the European Union,
the United States, and others but commended by the Commonwealth of
Independent States. Following the campaign, opponents mounted a number
of protests against the president that, though not large, nonetheless
were more sustained than previous demonstrations. Many opposition
leaders were arrested and jailed, including the 2006 opposition
presidential candidate Aleksander Kozulin.
with Russia became strained late in 2006 when the Russia-owned energy
giant Gazprom insisted Belarus pay more (though still less than market
rates) for natural gas; Russia also insisted that Belarus pay the full
duty on Russian crude oil (which Belarus processed and exported).
Belarus responded to these price increases by imposing a transit tax on
Russian oil exported through pipelines in Belarus, but Russia refused to
pay. Russia subsequently halted the transport of oil through Belarus,
accusing it of siphoning off oil as payment for the transit tax, and
after threats of retaliation from Russia, Belarus agreed to revoke the
tax. In Aug., 2007, Gazprom threatened to reduce gas supplies to Belarus
because of overdue payments.
Source: www.factmonster.com
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